Your new secret weapon in patient acquisition.

Imagine closing care plans as often as Tony Stark fires off zingers.

When you first opened your practice, you probably pictured a revolving door of patients, positively impacting your community, and attaining the kind of personal and financial freedom that usually means short workweeks, never missing important family events, and regular vacations to the Bahamas.

A few years in and…

*Cue record scratch*

…things haven’t quite turned out as you’d planned.

Instead of paid off student loans and a quickly diminishing mortgage, you’re a stressed out, overworked, and underpaid chiropractor who’s taken the daily hustle to a whole new level trying to round up new patient leads by any means necessary.

When will the phone ring?

How are you going to keep the lights on?

Payroll doesn’t really need to be done this month, does it?

Perhaps you’ve even experienced a modicum of success but growth has plateaued and you can’t seem to break through your current ceiling.

The good news is there’s a silver lining and it starts here.

Hi, I’m Shawn Manaher.

The CEO, local growth strategist, and campaign specialist behind Ignite Marketing.
shawn manaher profile
Believe it or not, I used to have my first chiropractor saved as “Back-Breaker” in my phone’s contacts because I didn’t truly understand what he was trying to do.

Sadly, that’s the case for most Americans.

But as a chiropractor you do this AMAZING thing that completely transforms lives. I didn’t see that until a couple of wonderfully ‘weird’ doctor neighbors willingly shared their message of chiropractic with me.

That led to conversations with the “Back-Breaker” and others who totally reframed my understanding of the practice. Once my wife and I experienced its incredible healing power for ourselves, we were staunch advocates.

Knowing that our current model of health in the United States is literally killing us, I wanted to help spread the message of alternative, natural healing through chiropractic.

So I put on my marketing hat (something I’ve personally stitched together over a decade of building several successful online businesses and strategizing results-focused customer acquisition campaigns) and looked at what was happening in our industry.

What I discovered is something that drove me nuts. Instead of finding agencies that were truly helping chiropractors change the world, I uncovered poor campaign execution, subpar work, shocking treatment of chiropractors, and pure money grabs.

Seeing the state of things, I knew I had the chops to bring chiropractors a better option—one that helps scale up practices with fewer scars and horror stories.

That’s when Ignite Marketing and my crack team of patient acquisition nerds were born.

What have we done in just a few short years?

Launched 300+ Facebook Ad Campaigns

Delivered 25,000+ New Prospects

Helped 10,000+ Families Start Care with our Clients

And as a by-product of helping practices grow, my team and I have been able to increase job creation within local communities—something we strongly believe in for building stable, thriving environments.

Our success is the result of mastering the three pillars of an effective campaign:

1. Understanding the audience buyer journey

2. Working through a thorough process of offer discovery

3. Helping clients nail Day 1 patient appointments

You see, as a digital marketer with 5+ years of experience agency-side, I don’t just plan campaigns and oversee their tactical implementation. I help you figure out what you actually need to reach, nurture, and convert your local audience into paying patients.

In fact, I’m so confident in what we do…

I back my services with an ROI guarantee.

What else should you know about me?
So what do you say?

Are you ready to get great results together?

Call me at 614-282-9110 or click here to book a free 15-minute consultation.
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