How to Build Backlinks for Law Firm SEO

how to build backlinks for law firm seo

A major piece of successful law firm SEO is building backlinks. A backlink is when a reputable website links to your website in a post or an article on their own site. This can help to generate more traffic to your site when users click the link.

It’s important to build backlinks for law firm SEO. To build your reputation, write guest blogs, testimonials, or roundups. To boost your Google rank, create skyscraper content, infographics, and shareable posts. To guarantee more backlinks, get on a directory or contact site owners.

It’s important that you use white-hat tactics to build backlinks for your law firm’s website. This is the best way to guarantee a positive relationship with search engines and avoid a poor reputation with visitors. So, let’s talk about some of the best ways to build backlinks.

One effective method for building high-quality backlinks to boost your law firm's website authority is through custom outreach conducted by a reputable SEO agency. By collaborating with an experienced team, you can strategically target relevant websites and publications within the legal industry, securing placements that drive traffic and enhance your online reputation. With a focus on fostering genuine relationships and providing valuable content, seo hong kong can facilitate the acquisition of authoritative backlinks, ultimately strengthening your website's visibility and credibility in search engine results. This personalized approach ensures that each backlink obtained aligns with your firm's goals and adheres to ethical practices, fostering long-term success in the competitive online landscape.

When it comes to law firm SEO, the significance of link building cannot be overstated. Backlinks serve as a testament to the credibility and authority of a law firm's website, signaling to search engines its relevance within the legal landscape. To enhance your website's reputation and visibility, engaging in diverse link building strategies is essential. Partnering with the best haro agency can be particularly advantageous. HARO connects journalists with expert sources, offering law firms a prime opportunity to showcase their expertise and earn valuable backlinks through media mentions and citations within authoritative publications.

As choosing the right HARO agency becomes paramount for law firms aiming to leverage this powerful link-building tool effectively. It's better to choose an agency that is growing rapidly, such as a HARO link-building agency, which facilitates seamless connections between legal experts and journalists. With their expertise, law firms can navigate the intricate world of media outreach with ease, securing placements in top-tier publications and boosting their online presence. This HARO milestone expansion in services underscores our commitment to empowering law firms with the tools they need to thrive in the digital age, cementing their authority and relevance in their respective legal niches.

Guest Blogging

Your law firm might already have a blog of its own to keep your clients in the loop with current news and useful tips. But you might notice that your blog posts aren’t generating a ton of traffic to your website.

Guest blogging is a great way to get your name out there.

A guest blog is where you actually write articles or blog posts for another website related to the industry. Somewhere in the post (or at the end) will be your full name, what your firm specializes in, and a coveted backlink to your website.

guest blogging

Guest blogs serve a few purposes, though.

Those impressed by your blog post might click the backlink and end up on your website. Your firm’s site is also now linked to a reputable site, which can help to boost your rank on Google. And most importantly, you’ve shown your expertise in the field through a well-written piece.

The more reputable the site you’ve guest blogged on, the more it’ll impact your SEO.


Some well-known content websites create something called a “link roundup.” 

These might be created and published once a day, once a week, or even once a month. In simple terms, a link roundup is a blog post or an article that includes brief descriptions and backlinks to blog posts and articles from other sites. 

For example, a site might make an article called “Best Advice From Lawyers.” It would then include sometimes dozens of backlinks and descriptions of posts falling into this category.

If well-written, the description is more than enough to encourage clients to head to your site.

The trouble with link roundups is that you already need to have something worth sharing. That means informative, relevant, and easy-to-read blog posts on your firm’s site that these roundups can link to in order to develop traffic.

In a way, you have to convince this reputable website that your blog posts are worth featuring. So make it a point to reach out to these roundup sites to show them what you have to offer.


A major piece of SEO is something called “directories.” Today, some of the more common business directories include Yelp and Google My Business.

As a law firm, you want to get your site linked to at least one of these directories. Being listed on at least one can be extremely profitable for building a local client base.

Most importantly, you can generate local traffic for clients that are actually looking for your service and within the local area. 

law firm directory submission

Those searching for a “divorce lawyer” within about 30 miles of your business will see information for your site at the top of the page. Included in this listing is a link to your firm’s website and other contact information.

And there’s nothing more valuable than a backlink from a site like Yelp or Google. Plus, it’s really easy to make a business profile on each.

Skyscraper Content

The thing about having your own blog on your law firm’s site is that it’s hard to stand out. After all, there are law firms everywhere in the U.S., and there’s a good chance that they’re also discussing the same exact content as you.

That’s where you need to make skyscraper content.

Looking to accelerate your SEO marketing?Everything you’ve thought to write about on your blog has already been written. Yet, skyscraping content involves doing your research, taking a look at some of the higher-rated sites that wrote about this topic, and then making it your own (but better).

This might mean adding more tips to a blog post than others are writing about (i.e., 9 Reasons to Hire an Attorney).

What you’re looking for here is to make yourself a reputable source.

When other website owners or bloggers realize that your content is more intensive and informative than other sites, they’re more likely to link to your blog instead. As more continue to link to your site, the more traffic you’ll get.


When we talk about using testimonials to build backlinks, we aren’t talking about having your customers review your law firm’s services.

You’ll be the one writing the testimonials here.

For example, maybe you use a service or a product at your law firm that genuinely helps with productivity. The company behind the service or product has a website and is also looking to build a larger client base.

On the front page of most company sites, you’ll see “testimonials” from verified users, their pictures, and links to their site. So not only are you getting a backlink and your name out there but the business you’re writing a testimonial for is also getting positive public feedback.

The thing is, the site can be just about anything. 

It might be a good idea to reach out to local businesses that you’ve used and offer to write a testimonial for them. That might be a local print shop or a caterer that you’ve used.

This is a great way to secure local clients too.


In today’s society, a lot of people don’t want to sit down and read an entire article or blog post. They just want to scan a picture or read the data.

Infographics get right to the point.

These are images designed to display information in a way that’s easy to read and decipher. Most will include statistics and data of some sort, such as “Law Firm Trends in 2020.”

law infographic

What’s even better is that most bloggers don’t put in the time to make an infographic, so they’re more likely to share yours instead. So if you have a skilled graphic designer in your law firm, one of the best ways to generate backlinks is by creating an infographic to be shared online.

The more shares and backlinks, the better your Google rank.

Sharing on Social Media

In this day and age, practically everybody is on social media.

Your goal here is to make content that the general public truly wants to know or is shocking in some way. In a sense, you’re trying to make completely factual content go viral on all forms of social media.

Each time an article or post on your website has been shared, it counts as a backlink. 

Though this might not impact your ranking on Google as much as you’d like, it’ll definitely help you to drive traffic to your site and perhaps get you more followers on social media.

Does your SEO marketing need a boost?


There are a ton of ways to build backlinks for your law firm in 2020. Not only does this send users to your site when on another website, but it also helps to improve your ranking on Google.

All of the ways we just reviewed will be monumental in improving your traffic and setting your firm apart as “reputable.” But if you’re struggling to find these opportunities, reach out to other blogs and websites and ask them to backlink to your site!

final shawn
Shawn Manaher
Shawn Manaher is the founder and CEO of Ignite Marketing. He's one part local business growth specialist, one part campaign strategizing ninja, and two parts leader of an awesome nerd pack. He won't eat pancakes unless you call them flat waffles.
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