How To Get Chiropractic Patients From Facebook Ads

how to get chiropractic patients from facebook ads

Facebook advertising works great for multiple offerings – from bathroom and kitchen supplies to software and industrial goods and more. If you are a chiropractor and do not market your services on the site, you are essentially losing patients to fellow practitioners using the platform to reach out to new clients.

It’s essential to build credibility on Facebook before trying to score chiropractic patients with ads. Create a Facebook page and grow your following by publishing valuable content. Once your patrons know and trust you, market your services to them. Take at least a month to build trustworthiness. 

Earning chiropractic patients on Facebook takes its time. You need to work on your Facebook marketing plans and strategies to help you reach the tipping point. Read on to learn everything there is to the process.

marketing for chiropractors and medical fields

Marketing Your Chiropractic Service Through Facebook

As alluded to above, Facebook marketing usually works when you’re in it for the long run. Without a long-term vision, advertising on Facebook is pretty much a dud or waste of money.

As a chiropractor, you are not shutting down your clinic or office after a few months or having scored a certain number of clients. It’s a career path you’ve (assumedly) taken up for the rest of your life. Your Facebook marketing approach should fall in line with that too.

But that’s not all. You must be wary of or adhere to quite a few other things when reaching out to potential chiropractic clients through a social media site like Facebook.

Here are the steps or the best practices when advertising on Facebook.

Create a Positive Image

If you are a chiropractor who is new to the Internet (let alone the Facebook landscape), people won’t know much about you and, therefore, will not trust you. In such circumstances, it’s critical not to get to selling anything right off the bat. In other words, build familiarity and credibility.

Accomplish that by offering things of value to potential consumers for free. Make sure whatever you provide is truly valuable. It shouldn’t be a precursor or preview to something that’s locked behind a paywall. A free seminar, for instance, is a compelling offering.

Hosting Seminars

By hosting free seminars online or in person, people not just get to know you and your service, but they also start to perceive you as an expert. But for that to happen, you should genuinely provide value. If the seminar helps attendees comprehend their issues and pain points, they will most likely return as paid clients.

Ensure the event’s registration window is small so that there’s a sense of urgency in the air. The landing page for the event must have terms such as “Limited Seats” prominently displayed so that people know you are serious and they feel the urge to sign up.

Build Your Page

Focus on building your Facebook page and keeping it active/lively. You need not post content on your Facebook page every hour, but at least do it once every day or two. If you cannot keep up with the frequency needed, hire people for the job. Make sure you have a schedule and stick to it. Do not post multiple times during a particular day and only once during the subsequent days.

Your posts must be diverse and not predictable. Employ a good mix of live videos, posts, images, recorded videos, graphics, etc. To help the page look busy and credible, encourage patients who visit you in your office to check in or leave reviews on your page. If there is a good amount of engagement on your Facebook page already, your patients will be more willing to add to that space.

Put Videos to Good Use

For any business to flourish in this day and age of YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, etc., videos are essential. And that’s more so the case with health or essential care service providers who don’t have a tangible product to show images of.

When people see you in motion and hear you talk, it becomes easier for them to know and trust you. If you hide behind ads and never show your face, it doesn’t matter how solid your written content and motion graphics are; people will find it difficult to get completely on board or relate with you.

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Post different kinds of videos. A live seminar or webinar is one way or type. Other options include patient testimonials, educational content, explainers, office walkthroughs, treatment protocols, or anything you believe is suitable or value-adding to your audience.

Keep It Simple and Clear

It’s essential to keep things simple to grab user attention. You have a very short window to grab a user's attention and intrigue them. Do not add a lot of texts or use multiple pictures and graphics in the same ad. Keep things minimal.

A basic headline, clear image, and a descriptive message are pretty much all that you need to create an effective Facebook ad. Ensure the text font, colors, etc., are in line with your brand’s color palette and overall design scheme.

Proofread Your Ads

Misspelled words and/or incorrect grammar won’t cost you a patient, but it will not leave a good impression on them either. Not to mention, people playing grammar police in the comments section and not responding to your ad or enquiring about your services will not look pretty.

If you are not great at proofreading, hire a copyeditor to inspect your text. If you are not a writer and have the budget to accommodate one, outsource the writing part to a professional. They’ll not just ensure your ad copies are error-free but will also set the tone of the texts right.

Have a Call to Action

Make sure your audience knows the actions expected of them after they see your ad. In other words, have a clear call to action in your ads so that your future patients know whether to download, visit your site, like your Facebook page, call to schedule an appointment, etc.

Keep a Tab on Things

Continually monitor your Facebook ads. Publishing an ad and not keeping a constant watch on it is a wrong approach.

Monitoring your ads not just means checking the analytics or seeing how the ad’s performing in terms of reach or traction but also taking note of the front-end side of things. In other words, if people are commenting under your ads, read those comments and respond or react to them.

Digging into the analytics part routinely will help you comprehend how well your ad performs and the tweaking you may have to do to help the ad serve better. If the ad is performing poorly, you may get insights on why that is so and get the ad on its feet.

Do Not Become Data-Obsessive

See that you don’t get too involved or monitor your ads daily to not get lost in the weeds. Micromanaging will not just eat into your invaluable working hours, but the ad will go through a review each time you make changes to it.

That means the ad would go offline briefly, which could mean the loss of potential clients. Once the ad is live again, it could take time to regain its initial momentum. Checking the ad’s status once a week is usually frequent enough. And alter your ads only if needed or think the changes made would work as an accelerant.

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Stay Updated and Experiment

If you want to be successful with your Facebook ad campaigns, learn how the advertising network works. Stay updated with the tool.

Besides learning about the different types of ads, you can incorporate, know that the Facebook algorithm continually changes, impacting how your adverts perform. The ad that brought you leads in hordes six months ago may not accomplish the same thing now. You may have to tweak the ad a bit or come up with a completely new ad to stay in compliance with the updates.

For instance, the format of the ad may not be effective anymore. Video ads could be gaining more traction than image and text-based ads. Be willing to change your advertising methods and approach based on the need of the hour.

Ensure Continual Exposure

As stated earlier, Facebook advertising should not just sell goods and services or boost your gross figures and bottom line. The purpose must also be brand-building. And advertising continually plays a significant role in helping you achieve that.

If your ad is effective enough to grab eyeballs, it could lend your brand some exposure. But for an average individual to remember your name or brand and have it etched in their mind, they must stumble upon the ad more than just once. Only then can you be sure of the potential client recognizing your digital presence and getting reminded of your service when they need chiropractic attention.

facebook marketing looking to accelerate 400Facebook Advertising for Chiropractors – Don’ts

If you are serious about Facebook advertising or see the platform constituting a major portion of your online advertising campaign, it’s imperative to know what Facebook expects of you or things it would not want you to do.

Some of the things mentioned below are common sense, but quite a few could be revelations or make you feel glad that you got to know them before you could roll with your first set of ads.

When you or your ads are not in line with Facebook’s advertising rules and guidelines, they won’t be published. And if you keep making the same mistakes, your Facebook account could get banned, and you’ll not be able to advertise on the platform using the particular account anymore. If you are a business with a decent following on the site, an account ban could mean damage beyond repair.

Now that you know how critical it is to stick by Facebook’s advertising guidelines, here are things you should do to not violate Facebook’s advertising policies:

Do Not Pose Questions or Get Personal

Your ads should not contain questions in the form of text or video inquiries about an individual’s health condition.

For instance, putting forward questions such as “Is depression putting the brakes on your life?” is not allowed. You may change the format or turn the question into a phrase, such as “Depression counseling.” Tread with caution when mentioning specific medical conditions.

Facebook doesn’t like their ads to be in the form of questions or pronouns because they seem too direct and personal. The user who sees the ad feels the platform has been spying on them all this while and could get intimidated, causing them to raise concerns or objections and quit the space for good.

Also, ads on Facebook must not contain information that asserts or denotes personal attributes. That also means not mentioning ethnicity, race, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity, medical condition, financial status, criminal record, etc. If your ads do not have personal pronouns such as “you,” “your,” etc., you’re generally good to go.

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Do Not Allude to or Say “Cure”

Do not promise a cure or even use the term in your ads. Also, statements such as “Chiropractic helps leg pain” would fall in violation of the site’s ad policies. Facebook doesn’t entertain ads that guarantee the efficacy of a health or medical treatment.

Assumptions are not acceptable as well. In other words, “Chiropractic may help with leg pain” also doesn’t work.

Ads that try to sway patients from traditional medicine could get banned. Moreover, certain buzzwords such as “vaccines” are not allowed in your ad text or copy, mainly if the ad propagates against administering the biological preparation.

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No Corny Images

Facebook doesn’t like its ads to have “before and after” images since it believes most of those “after” photographs are deceptive or not true. It also thinks the “before” picture could create a negative perception in the minds of people who possess those traits.

For chiropractors, it means photos that show people in visible pain, parts of the body circled or highlighted in red (to indicate inflammation) are out of the question.

Do Not Clickbait

Your ads should not be “clickbait-y” or misrepresenting. The last thing you would want is to annoy or infuriate your clients with your advertising.

People at the receiving end of your deceptive marketing ploys are not just coming back every time you roll a misleading ad, but they may also spread the word and make it a lot harder for you to acquire new clients in the future.

Facebook’s advertising guidelines and requisites are exhaustive and also tricky. Even if you think you know everything about the rules, you cannot completely rule out an objection to your ad or a revision request. It generally entails a lot of trial and error before you could claim to be entirely on top of the game.

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How Much Should You Spend to Promote Your Chiropractic Service on Facebook?

Facebook lets you spend as little as $1 a day to get you in front of around 4,000 people. That number of eyeballs is not bad at all – both in absolute numbers and for the money spent. But it still may not be good enough for the chiropractic industry, wherein conversion rates aren’t very high.

Getting people to visit your site or onto your email list is not that difficult, but making them see you in your office and then come on board for treatments can take considerable time and effort.

In other words, out of the 4,000 people that get to know about your chiropractic service, none may pay a visit to your clinic, and that may not necessarily change even if the number of people viewing your ads increases significantly. And if those people are strangers, you’ll have an even harder time persuading them.

That is why it is so essential to establish yourself or help people get to know you better before you could pitch your services to them.

So, how much should you spend on Facebook ads to promote your chiropractic service? It depends on your region or the market you are targeting. Based on your market size and also your competition, the marketing spend would vary.

As mentioned above, $30 a month is the bare minimum to get some exposure for your service. However, to generate some decent traction and buzz, set aside at least $1,000 a month for advertising. The money spent will afford you valuable insights about ads that work and the audiences who respond. You can scale things from there.

get things done


Facebook is arguably the best place to advertise online not only due to the site having millions of active monthly users but also because the platform has a well-designed suite of advertising tools.

Most importantly, Facebook advertising costs are meager, especially if you consider the return on the investment. If you don’t find success with Facebook ads, you would most likely not be happy with any other digital ads platform, including Google.

Therefore, if you are a chiropractor and would like to market your service online, Facebook ads are a must-try. But take it slow and spend little in the beginning. Use those funds to learn more about the various advertising tools and the landscape in general. Once you get the hang of things, take your ad campaign up several notches or start to splurge.

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Shawn Manaher
Shawn Manaher is the founder and CEO of Ignite Marketing. He's one part local business growth specialist, one part campaign strategizing ninja, and two parts leader of an awesome nerd pack. He won't eat pancakes unless you call them flat waffles.
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