How To Get Property Management Clients

how to get property management clients

As a property management firm, you won’t make money unless people know you exist. This won’t happen unless you have a good marketing strategy to help you get the word out about your business.

Fortunately, there are a lot of different things you can do to get property management clients today, including:

  • Offer relevant and quality content on your website
  • Build an online presence
  • Use Facebook
  • Use the Search Engines to your advantage
  • Actively network
  • Leverage paid property management marketing
  • Use a referral program

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Offer Relevant and Quality Content on Your Website

Your website is the opportunity for you to make a good first impression on a lot of people. This is why it’s important for it to be well-designed and professional-looking. You want to do your best to encourage property owners and tenants to stay and browse. The information they’re looking for should be easy for them to find.

You can write blog posts or create infographics just be sure to answer any specific questions someone might have when they visit your website. This content will give you a boost in the SERPs (search engine results pages) while also establishing you as an expert which will bring you more leads too.

Consider taking things a step further and also writing guest posts for other authoritative blogs in your industry. When you get featured on these sites you’ll get more traffic and continue to build your reputation as an authority - something that’ll result in even more leads.

Build an Online Presence

You’ll also want to get your website listed in relevant online directories so you can attract more leads. The stronger your online presence, the easier it’ll be for people to find you. Therefore you should also make sure you have a presence in all the social media networks.

Use LinkedIn to Your Advantage

There are a lot of social media networks available for you to use today. One of the ones you'll want to make sure not to overlook is LinkedIn. It can be a great place to find new leads for your property management business. All you need to do is use their detailed search options to look for things like "real estate investor." Once you've found some people who fit this niche you'll want to reach out and talk to them about the services that your company offers. You can think of this as online networking.

Use Facebook

There are about 1.28 billion people who use Facebook every day. This is the number of people you could be reaching with your posts and advertising. Once you take the time to actually set up a Facebook page so you can start attracting prospects, it’s time to learn how to effectively do so.

Post on a Regular Basis to Help Build Your Audience

It’s essential for your business to post on Facebook regularly. This is important because the more someone is exposed to your brand the more likely they’ll become a customer.

To ensure that you’re posting regularly on Facebook sit down and create a content calendar so you can plan your posts and track their results. Doing so may help you discover that you get more engagement (likes, comments, shares) at certain times which you’ll then want to make sure you take advantage of. You should also try different types of content to see what works best for you.

social media marketing looking to accelerate 400Make sure you also familiarize yourself with Facebook Page Insights. This is where you’ll be able to:

  • See when your audience is online so you can use publishing tools to automate your posts for at these times (e.g. Hootsuite)
  • Discover what type of content your audience prefers
  • Track your competition
  • See what actions people are taking with your page (e.g. website clicks)

Give People a Reason to Follow You

Not only do you need to post regularly, but you also need to give people a reason to pay attention when you do. This is where it’s key to post the right content so that you can attract the type of audience you want. To discover what type of content your audience is looking for you should enter “Pages liked by people who like [Your Business Page Name]” into Facebook Graph Search. You’ll be given a list of pages that your audience likes so you can then create posts that are similar to those.

Engage with the Facebook Community

As your Facebook audience grows you’ll slowly but surely start receiving more messages and comments. You want to reply to these as quickly and professionally as possible - just like you would with an offline prospect. Doing so can earn you a “Very Responsive to Messages” badge from Facebook but you’ll need to respond to 90% of people in less than 15 minutes each week.

Make sure you also engage with people who don’t follow your business’ page. Doing so allows you to talk to potential leads, build rapport, and get your name out there. To get started like other business pages in your area and join local real estate or rental groups. You should also ask your customers to leave you a review.

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Use Organic Geo-Targeted Facebook Posts and Ads

To grow your business on Facebook make sure you take advantage of its geo-targeting options. To do this you simply list one of your properties then click on the target icon to choose your preferred audience. Next, click on “Audience Restrictions” and enter the locations you want to include or exclude.

Use Paid Geo-Targeted Facebook Posts and Ads

There are lots of things you can do with a paid Facebook ad. For instance, by boosting your posts you’ll be able to reach more people. You can also use the Facebook Ads Manager to create new ads in various formats while also targeting specific audiences and maintaining control over your budget. Facebook will also allow you to achieve very specific goals with your paid advertisements (e.g. promote your website, increase brand awareness, showcase different properties in a Facebook Carousel Ad, grow your Facebook audience, generate leads straight from Facebook, retarget people who have visited your website).

Use Your Existing Audience to Find a New Audience

You can also use Facebook to find new audiences that are like your current customers. The benefit of this is to reach people who are most likely interested in your services. To do this you’ll need to have some information regarding your existing customers and prospects. Once you have this information you won’t be paying to run blind ads on Facebook. This is when advertising on Facebook becomes more cost-effective.

Use the Search Engines to Your Advantage

SEO is the process of altering your website’s content and code so that it ranks higher in the SERPs. Think of it this way: While Google wants to provide its users with the best results possible, it doesn’t speak English, it speaks HTML. Therefore you’ll need to help Google understand what your website is about by using special website code, keywords, and technical indicators. These things will allow you to tell Google what your website should rank for.

This is important because organic search equates to 94% of all web traffic. If you’re lucky enough to be listed in the number one position on the SERPs you’ll enjoy up to a 35% click-through rate. When you’re listed anywhere else you’ll be losing out on clicks, leads, and sales. People will visit your competition instead.

Today, more than 200 signals are used in determining where your website will land in the SERPs. The ones you need to pay the most attention to include:

  • HTTPS vs. HTTP
  • Mobile-friendliness
  • Schema markup
  • Web Page content’s quality
  • Web Page content’s length
  • Optimized title tags and meta descriptions on every page
  • Social signals
  • Page speed
  • Optimized images
  • Quality backlinks
  • Domain age

There are three things that you should concern yourself with regarding your property management website. These things will help ensure that your users have a good experience so you’re listed in the SERPs. They include making sure that your website:

  • Loads quickly
  • Can be viewed on a smartphone
  • Is secure

Speed up Your Website

To do well with Google your website needs to load in less than two seconds. It’s important to understand that 80% of this time is spent rendering all of your page’s different coded elements (e.g. plugins, scripts, style sheets, videos, images). To speed up your website you need to take the time to optimize your redirects, server response time, images’ compression, cached resources, CSS stylesheets, plugins, JavaScript, Viewport, typography, and font sizes.

Secure Your Website

Unfortunately, 43% of cyberattacks target small businesses today. This is why you can’t afford to forego your SSL certificate (what puts the “S” in “HTTPS”) even if your website doesn’t ask for credit card information. This isn’t the only thing hackers are after. They also want to see how your visitors behave so they can create an “online profile” to use in their scams or for identity theft purposes.

Since Google doesn’t like hacks it doesn’t want to send its users to sites where their personal information is vulnerable. This is why more than 40% of the websites on Google’s first page of SERPs are HTTPS. They care enough to want to provide their users with the best experience possible. This is why their ranking algorithm favors HTTPS sites and why if yours isn’t an HTTPS website you’ll be outranked by those that are.

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Make Your Website Mobile Friendly

Another important ranking factor for Google’s SERPs is how mobile-friendly your website is. This is because mobile devices drive 52% of all website traffic and compose 50% of all B2B searches today. When your website isn’t able to function well on a mobile device you’re losing business to your competitors.

For your website to be mobile-friendly its text needs to be easy to read. You also need to make sure that the website’s format is easy for you to navigate. This means ensuring that all the buttons and links that are used for navigating your website can easily be tapped using your finger. Additionally, you want to make sure that your website is pleasing to look at so that your visitor enjoys the time they spend there.

Optimize Everything for Your Top Keywords and Phrases

While a search engine has more than 200 ranking signals it uses, the main search algorithm will always be based on keywords. In the past, this meant that a business could do well simply by engaging in what’s come to be known as “keyword stuffing” (e.g. repeating the same keywords constantly inside a block of text).

Today, Google’s algorithm has gotten smarter and these practices are now seen as spam. This is because Google now uses what’s known as latent semantic indexing. This allows Google to draw a relationship between what a user’s intention is and the keyword phrases that are being used on a website. To find these phrases for your website you’ll need to use a keyword generating tool. Once you find them you’ll want to make sure that you incorporate them in your title tag and meta description, image alt-tags and descriptions, H1 and H2 headers, Google My Business profile, and in your website copy and content.

Add Schema to Your Website

Since Google doesn’t speak the same language as humans it needs some help in the form of microdata (e.g. adding optimized title tags, creating meta descriptions). One type of microdata that Google uses is what’s known as “schema markup.” This is a semantic vocabulary full of microdata that you can add to your website’s HTML. Doing so will help you improve the way search engines read through your website and how they list it in the SERPs. The more information and context you’re able to provide the search engines with here the easier it will be for them to make the connection between a semantic search and your website.

Focus on Local Search

As a local company in search of more property management leads you’ll want to focus on what’s called “local search.” The difference between local and organic SEO is the searcher’s intent. Google does a pretty good job of determining whether a search query has “local intent” (whether the searcher is looking for results featuring local companies). When local intent is shown Google will pop up a map. For your website to pop up on this map there are some things you’ll want to make sure you focus on. These include:

  • NAP citations: Your business’ name, address, and phone number should be listed in exactly the same way on your website, social profiles, Bing listing, and in Google My Business.
  • Local directory listings: Make sure you claim and verify all your listings in local directories (e.g. Superpages, Yelp, Yellowpages, Foursquare).
  • Social media: Since social indicators play a role in local SEO you’ll want to make sure you optimize all of your social profiles.
  • Reviews: These play a key role in local SEO which is why you’ll want to get into the habit of asking people to leave you reviews.
  • Localized onsight content: Where your website will show up in the SERPs will depend on how relevant your website is in regards to the search query. This means that when someone is conducting a local search you’ll want to make sure they land on a page targeting your local area. This page should specify the areas that you serve and provide a map with your address and location on it.

Create and Share a Property Management Blog

Most B2B buyers make at least 12 searches prior to contacting someone they’re interested in working with. It’s up to you to ensure that your property management company shows up in every one of those searches. This way by the time someone even talks to one of your sales representatives they’ll be halfway down the buyer’s funnel. Of course, this means that your website will need to do a good job of convincing this person that your business is trustworthy, authoritative, and overall the best company to meet their needs. The best way to do this is to invest time into creating a robust library of content in the form of an SEO blog. By using your keyword tools you can determine what questions people are searching for answers to and write blog posts about them.

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Add Images and Videos to Your Website

Another big factor in Google’s ranking algorithm is the images and videos you have on your website. This is because Google has discovered that when you have both text and videos on the same page 72% of people would prefer to watch your video to learn about your service instead of reading about it. This is also true with B2B buyers and researchers. 70% of them want to watch a video as they make their decision whether or not to buy a service. For these reasons, when your website has videos alongside text on it you’re 50% more likely to rank on the first page of Google’s SERPs.

To use this factor to your advantage it’s important that you take a few minutes to optimize your videos and your images. This means that you’ll need to fill out all the metadata for them. As you do this it’s important for you to remember to not only provide the correct information but you also need to incorporate the right words too.

Actively Network

One of the skills that you’ll need in order to be a successful property manager is that of good communication. If you’re good at communicating you can use it to your advantage by expanding your network. This is relatively easy to do today considering how many online groups, forums, and associations there are that you can join and talk to people in. Doing so also has another advantage: You’ll be able to keep up with the latest developments in your industry.

Of course, it’s also a good idea to engage in some offline networking as well. Whether you participate in groups or volunteer at local events you’ll be able to connect with people in your local community. Doing so will help you generate word-of-mouth referrals that’ll give your business a boost.

Leverage Paid Property Management Marketing

Paid marketing tactics are another great way to increase your business’ exposure and reach. There are a lot of different methods you can employ here including sponsoring a local event, advertising in a local newspaper, and distributing brochures. You can even use some of your marketing budget online for things like Google Adwords and paid Facebook advertisements.

Regardless of whether you’re online or off, you need to make sure that you invest your money in ads that will capture your potential customers’ pain points. This means including images that show how your business will simplify your customers’ lives. Also, make sure you include a strong call-to-action that leads people to want to further interact with your business.

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Use a Referral Program

Recently it’s been discovered that about 83% of people trust the recommendations their family and friends make. This is one of the main reasons why a referral program can be such an effective tool for businesses.

Consider creating a realtor referral program for realtors in your area. When they give you their rental property owner’s information you could give them a commission for each one of these people who becomes a paying customer. Another option is to offer your existing customers a free month of services when they refer someone to you who becomes a paying customer. You could also offer other incentives like gift cards, credit, or cash back on their accounts.


There are a lot of great ways that you can get your property management firm in front of the right people today. Doing so will take some time but if people don’t know you exist, you won’t make any money. So, stop procrastinating and use this information to formulate a good marketing strategy to help spread the word about your business starting today.



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Shawn Manaher
Shawn Manaher is the founder and CEO of Ignite Marketing. He's one part local business growth specialist, one part campaign strategizing ninja, and two parts leader of an awesome nerd pack. He won't eat pancakes unless you call them flat waffles.
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