Best Law Firm Logos: 20+ Great Law Firm Logos and Why

law firm logos

While technology continues to revolutionize the legal space, it beats logic why some attorneys and legal firms still embrace poor quality logos. You've probably seen such incompetently designed logos—they're everywhere. Irrespective of your legal specialization, you need the best law firm logos to stand out.

With 43% of customers being persuaded more with businesses that adapt visual cues, law firms are not an exception. Law firm logos with creative designs, innovative layouts, and lively color schemes are not just beautiful images but also an integral part and symbol of a law firm brand. They virtually represent the firms' unique and professional values and culture, positioning your brand firmly in the competitive legal space.

Ready to have your brand recognized, remembered, and distinguished from competitors due to its eye-catching professional law firm logo? In this article, we've analyzed 20+ great law firm logos and why you need to get some inspiration from them, as you prepare to design your next logo.

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How Important Are Creative Law Firm Logos?

Not long ago, lawyers had an obsession with logos that showcased a judge's gavel or iconic justice scale. Not that the logo designs can't work for your firm, but attorneys have overused them simply because they're easy to recognize as symbols of law and order. What many fail to understand is that a little change of tactics is the way to go.

Whether you opt for generic logos or an entirely new original logo, be creative, and create a unique custom logo for your law firm. The modern legal space requires a marketing approach that gets the legal prospect's attention, induces some trust, and recognizes your firm's authority.

Remember that a random Google search will give clients more options to choose from than they need. As they browse your website and maybe concentrate on its aesthetics, they also want to know the nature of the law firm they deal with, your professionalism, or whether you're abreast of modern times.

That's where visual specifications, especially your law firm logo, comes in; to give your law firm a convincing and trustworthy impression while answering the prospect's fundamental questions, even before they decide to call you.

A compelling and creative logo speeds up your prospect's decision in your favor. The clients will have recognized you, what you do, and developed a connection with your brand. In fact, it's not just for your website; you need a logo in multiple places to extend your branding effort. We look at that, next.

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Where to Use Law Firm Logos

So, where can you use creative law firm logos? Here are four (4) main places we recommend to boost your law firm visual engagements.

  • In your professional business cards
  • In your law firm stationery
  • In your law firm envelopes meant for personal and business use
  • In your firm letterheads

With multiple applications and benefits of a law firm logo, you have no reason not to create one. And that introduces us to yet another thing, tips for making creative logos. Keep reading!

Tips, Ideas, and Practices for Designing the Best Law Firm Logos

You're likely to find clients who have worked with a law firm for quite some time, but they can't recall, even 20% of how the law firm logo looks. It happens every day, and it's not something every legal practitioner needs to take lightly.

helpful tips

You don't just grab a name and have it as your logo. That isn't good for business. We understand that most attorneys aren't graphic designers, but with proven tips, ideas, and best practices, you'll be happy to own one of the best law firm logos. Here we go!

Choose the Best Color Schemes

Every color has a meaning, and you need to use it carefully in your law firm logo. That special meaning will communicate more about your brand while evoking a significant emotion to your prospects.

You have to know the emotion you want to put across and settle on a complementing color. For instance:

  • Red communicates energy and passion
  • Green represents a new start, health, and hope
  • Yellow means happiness
  • Pink represents romance

Be Cautious on the Fonts

Fonts speak a lot about an attorney's personality. You have a choice to choose either traditional or modern fonts. Traditional fonts depict you as conventional, somehow radical, and very wise, while modern fonts make your firm look up to date. In either option, focus on excellent readability, style, and appearance.

Use Shapes Carefully

You'll find shapes and symbols in most attorneys and law firm logos. Many lawyers try to come up with shapes that have a meaning that revolves around the justice system. Focus on having a regular pattern with a strong symbol. With that, prospects easily recognize you as an orderly, efficient, and dedicated law firm.

Show Credibility through Your Name or Years of Service

If you showcase your name in an original and well-customized logo, it's clear that you believe in what you do. The continuous and successful legal practice raises your reputation bar. That makes it easy for prospects to easily recognize your logo because they can relate to who you are and your reputation.

Communicate Your Intent or Specialty

A logo tells your prospects what they can get from you with a particular perception. If it's creatively crafted and powerful enough, people don't have to read it twice before getting the intended message. Other than intention, you can also indicate your legal specialization in the logo.

Maintain Simplicity

The best thing you can do is to make your logo simple and understandable. Observe simplicity in all aspects from the design, color to your logo layout. People tend to recognize and keep in mind easy and straightforward visuals. Complications make it hard to define the features of your law firm.

Give Your Logo the Right Modern (or Even Traditional) Twist

Your logo will become meaningless if it's in the wrong context. If you embrace a modern way, perfect it, and you'll stand out. We don't have issues with generic logos whose idea is from traditional logos, provided you add a creative twist to fit in the modern legal practice.

Work With the Best

Even with the tips and best practices, it's sometimes challenging to create a logo of your dream. We recommend hiring an expert logo designer with an eye for details, marketing skills, technical capabilities, and experience in designing creative law firm logos. Check out 99 Designs and Pro Designs for quality talents.

Here Are the 20+ Great Law Firm Logos Examples (And Why They Are Among Our Favorites)

Look keenly at the following law firm logo examples for a comprehensive understanding of the tricks law firms have been using. Let's get started!

McCloskey & Roberson

mccloskey roberson

(Image Source: Dribbble)

We can all appreciate that the McCloskey & Roberson logo is good looking and creatively designed. Incorporating MR in the shield indicates the law firm's willingness to commit to company values through unity to protect their clients.

Other than the shield badge, the fonts and color combinations are all in place. Not everyone notices these finer details in a logo, but the reality is that they contribute a lot in making the logo visually unique.

Fashion Law Institute

fashion law institute logo

(Image Source: Fashion Law Institute)

The first thing that comes in your mind when you see this logo is fashion. The law firm ensures that it gets its message across on the first impression. While a logo might look classical, looking at it closely, you'll notice a fantastic subtle style.

The Fashion Law Institute logo is not at any moment boring. Just look at the hammer. Look at it once more. It has a needle and thread. Perfect fashion creativity, right? If you're into fashion and notice such creativity, you won't hesitate to contact the firm for legal needs.

Klamath Defender Services, Inc.

klamath defender logo

(Image Source: Klamath Defender Services, Inc)

Klamath Defender Services deserve mention in our great law firm logo examples. From a close look, you'll notice that it's quite simple, pretty, and yet professional. The line closing the KDS initials forms a symbol of justice.

The moderate color and innovative fonts look spectacular. That tells you that it will appear perfect, whether used in website or attorney documents. Prospects will also find it easy to recognize it. Thanks to the creative designer.

Goldman Law

goldman law logo

(Image Source: Goldman Law)

The custom Goldman Law logo is amazing. The GL initials come from the firm's name and get incorporated in a small rectangle. The logo deviates the obvious norm of having the symbol at the top but strategically places it on the left side.

It's an appropriate choice for law firms that want a monogram design with clear logo typography and tagline. You don't see such logos every day, but they're very professional. Like in this case, the company is clear on its intentions and location.

TE Law Offices

t e law offices logo

(Image Source: TE Law Offices)

TE Law Offices have perfectly applied the concept of perfect shapes and symbols through the company's initials. The geometrical shape with the initials T and E represents the firm's brand, and it's fast to recognize.

The same initials appear as a scale of justice, and that shows the firm commitment to justice for clients. The sparingly used blue color on the logo creates a friendly and intelligent feeling about the law firm's services.

Russell Law Firm, LLC

russell law firm logo

(Image Source: Russell Law Firm)

The Russell Law Firm logo's first impression is the R initial in the form of a pillar. It's relatively big size makes the law firm an outstanding legal pillar for family law, auto accidents, personal injury, and DWI/DUI defense.

The R symbol, derived from the name of the firm owner, Danny Russell, makes the law firm logo memorable. Its smart design that involves variations in size and copper color also boosts brand relevance and recognition.

Nextlaw Labs 

next law labs logo

(Image Source: Nextlaw Labs)

Nextlaw Labs logo conveys the company as the legal technology and innovation veteran. The first word in the logo is in capital letters for quality attention. The purple color is a sign of adequate knowledge in their area of practice.

The fonts are perfect, with a combination of upper and lower cases. Combining the colors with caution and adding a symbol that looks like an 'arrow' adds an innovative look. Clients will depend on such a firm due to its modern features.

Tellus Law Group

tellus law logo

(Image Source: Tellus Law Group)

Tellus Law Group managed to include a dove as a symbol in their logo. That's a creative decision since doves remind us of the need to balance earth matter and air. Since the company focuses on environmental law, that's a timely and innovative approach.

Again, the addition of white color to the logo is a nice trick. It sends a message that the law firm practices with a focus to attain harmony in the environment. Everything in this logo looks perfect, with maximum attention given to content and design.

Schwartz & Park, L.L.P.

schwartz park law logo

(Image Source: Schwartz & Park, L.L.P.)

The Schwartz & Park law firm logo is a true definition of the modern customized logos in the legal industry. It's simple and straightforward. The color and fonts reveal the company's passion, commitment, and energy in solving community legal issues.

Everyone browsing their website gets to know that the law firm is a partnership with dedicated attorneys due to combined names and an indication of LLP. The center 'and' symbol circled at the center of the two founder names is a good way to show a strong bond.

Lahmann Law

lahmann law logo

(Image Source: Lahmann Law)

Lahmann Law logo is another modern logo firm example worth reviewing. Its gold, and white look showcases the company's prestige and dedication. Overall, the logo is simple and elegant.

The L gold symbol typography and placement at the center looks perfect. Also, besides the symbol, the logo gives a clear indication of the company establishment date. Such a logo is a perfect choice for lawyers who want to let prospects know about their legal industry experience.

Carden & Tracy

carden tracey logo

(Image Source: Carden & Tracy)

Carden & Tracy, just like the previously mentioned Schwartz & Park logo, is a simple yet good looking modern log. The initial C and T representing the found names and the awesome font size and topography attract the prospects pretty fast, bringing about a fulfilling connection with the brand.

The simple color combination, details, and the logo's rectangular vertices play a significant role in its aesthetics. From the logo, you can also tell the intention—Carden and Tracy are trial attorneys ready to execute any related specialty task.

Carbert Waite LLP

carbert waite logo

(Image Source: Carbert Waite LLP)

Many lawyers are creating law firms logos based on their name, due to the reputation that they own. Carbert Waite LLP is not an exception. The company has many competent lawyers, but they choose a unique logo that communicates a powerful statement.

Both names have equal font size. The unique color adds some taste to the appearance, and distinguishes the company from its competitors. If all you want is simplicity and credibility in your logo, borrow an idea from the Carbert Waite LLP logo.

The Grossman Law Firm

grossman law logo

(Image Source: The Grossman Law Firm)

The Grossman Law Firm has a bold logo. The letter G and Grossman makes a unique statement about the law firm. Letter G has excellent typography for easy remembrance when potential clients see the logo, and that gives the brand some focus.

People will want to browse more pages and know what Grossman Law Firm is all about. Maintaining a characteristic color theme throughout the logo has contributed a lot to its beauty and purpose.

Cohen & Jaffe Law Firm

cohen jaffe logo

(Image Source: Cohen & Jaffe Law Firm)

A Law firm that has been practicing for years can easily create an impression if it has a strong and valid stand. One way to achieve that is by creating a logo that shows the period of practice, coupled with a solid background color.

Cohen & Jaffe Law Firm knows all that, and they have focused more on letting people know about their brand expertise than being 100% aesthetically pleasing. If you have an established law firm, this is a good idea to consider.

Kulshan Law Group

kulshan law group logo

(Image Source: Kulshan Law Group)

Every lawyer wants to have their name out there, provided they're actively involved in the legal industry. Kulshan Law Group is another law firm with a symbolic logo that strongly advocates for its legal services and civil litigation.

The logo indicates the two main practice areas and separates them with a small but visible KLG symbol, which looks like a legal book. An indication of a company having adequate knowledge of what they do. It's also easy to get the logo's attention due to its visible, well-designed white fonts.

Nusbaum Stein, P.A. 

nusbaum stein logo

(Image Source: Nusbaum Stein)

The Nusbaum Stein logo features a monogram design and some good typography. Both features give the logo a perfect layout that makes it glow. Combined with some golden color and creative fonts, this logo proves outstanding.

If you want a logo for your practice that will earn you recognition within your geographical area of practice while looking perfect in your business cards, here's another example to guide you.

The Gay Family Law Center

gay family law logo

(Image Source: Gay Family Law Center)

The Gay Family Law Center doesn't detail so much in its logo, but the message is straightforward to its interested clients. What catches your attention first is the fancy rainbow curves that show the company's peaceful approach and pride in supporting gays and other LGBT members.

The brilliant inclusion of creative typography, white color, and a few words makes it a unique logo that will add some trust from the LGBT community members seeking legal services.

Rosenfeld Injury Lawyers LLC

rosenfeld injury lawyers logo

(Image Source: Rosenfeld Injury Lawyers)

Rosenfeld Injury Lawyers have their exact name on the simple logo. Here is the main creative bait: they have creatively shaped their R letter at the beginning of the logo for easy recognition by potential clients.

The firm logo evidence that you don't always require a complex touch to attain a perfect look that communicates your specialty. Less is more.

Alexander Law Group

alexander law group logo

(Image Source: Alexander Law Group)

Simplicity should not fade away when lawyers are creating logos. Keep in mind your logo goals and actualize them. The logo's creative symbol and names appear understandable. The simple, short, and specific tagline is also a brilliant addition.

In this law firm logo example, Alexander Law Group has shown how law firms with many characters in their logo can achieve symmetry and balance without overwhelming the logo.

Mckenzie Law Firm

mckenzie law firm logo

(Image Source: Mckenzie Law Firm)

Looking at this creative Mckenzie Law Firm logo, there is a lot you can learn. The law firm uses the name of the founder, Mckenzie, to bring about a sense of individuality and connect easily with prospects.

The M block symbols come from the law firm's first letter, and it's well-designed to give an interesting and less subtle structure. You'll also love the neutral color on the symbol and the overall logo content.

One More Thing: Know What NOT to Leverage in Your Law Firm Logo

From the great law firm logo examples, you must be flowing with crazy ideas. Congratulations! That's a convincing sign that you've read and understood our blueprint.

law firm marketing looking to accelerate5But before you finalize your concept, here's what not to do.

  • Don't struggle to look so trendy, but modernize what you have.
  • Too much textual and graphic details will overwhelm your logo. Please, stop it.
  • It's fine to learn from what others have done, but don't just copy their exact logo. Who does that?
  • Generate many ideas, weigh them, and pick the best. Don't stick to your first idea.
  • Legal practice is professional. Avoid hard to read and those funny fonts.

Design a Professional Law Firm Logo Today

Simple, attractive, unique, and creative law firm logos notify the legal prospects about the style, values, and ideals of a particular law firm.

There is no excuse for having a boring law firm logo, not even with the bulky folders on your desk and a busy work schedule throughout the month. You can always engage a professional logo designer to actualize your goals.

Ready to brand your law firm with a stylish and professional law firm logo? Get started today and scale your law firm.

final shawn
Shawn Manaher
Shawn Manaher is the founder and CEO of Ignite Marketing. He's one part local business growth specialist, one part campaign strategizing ninja, and two parts leader of an awesome nerd pack. He won't eat pancakes unless you call them flat waffles.
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