Chiropractor Marketing Advice: 15+ Tips to Get New Patients

chiropractor marketing advice

You dedicated many years to study chiropractic, and now you have a license and extensive experience in the field; without a doubt, your patients benefit a lot from your top-notch services. But one thing for sure, you're hardly getting new patients.

With over 95 000 chiropractors in the U.S opening up centers everywhere and competition becoming fierce every day, actionable marketing advice is the way to go.

Chiropractor marketing advice reveals the many online and offline ideas and tips that chiropractors need in their practice. When taken seriously, you boost your search rankings, enhance your brand visibility, and enjoy a steady influx of new patients. That ensures continued growth of your practice.

Are you looking forward to actualizing the marketing advice in your chiropractic marketing strategy? You're in the right place. We tell you the 15+ tips that assure new patients that knock on your door and a top position in the competitive chiropractic marketplace.

But before that, let's get into the basics to prepare you for the chiropractic marketing journey. Assuming this step means you'll not have a strategy to put the advice into action, and thus, things might not work for you.

chiropractor sign up in concrete wall

Getting Ready to Actualize Chiropractor Marketing Advice

Like it or not, having a successful chiropractic practice needs a business-oriented mind to hack your way up successfully.

Here's what to do:

Have a Plan

Chiropractor marketing advice needs to address your plans. Create a simple, professional, and actionable plan. List the target audience, advice, actions to take, time frame to work on each advice, and the particular goals you want to achieve.

If you're doing it for the first time, you might need a marketing agency to get it right. Worry not; we've got you covered.

Set a Budget

Chiropractors will have different budgets based on what is available for disposal. Starters tend to limit their budget, unlike the established chiropractors, which is okay! Focus on setting a small budget and grow with time. You don't have to break the bank.

There are many free and less costly ways to market your practice, e.g., through social media. Take advantage of that.

Value Consistency and Authenticity

You'll realize there's plenty of chiropractors marketing advice out there. Don't just stick to one direction; leverage multiple ways. Keep pushing your chiropractic brand's image and values while being authentic, and you'll enjoy incredible conversion.

Stats indicate that consistency is likely to boost your revenue by 33%.

It's that simple. But first things first…

seo marketing looking to accelerate 400Actionable 15+ Chiropractor Marketing Tips To Get New Patients in Your Practice

Ready to maximize your chiropractic growth this year and beyond? Consider trying out these proven chiropractic marketing tips for quality results.

Let's dig in!

Have a Unique Selling Proposition (USP)

What is it that differentiates you from other nearby chiropractors? Why should potential patients choose you? That's where a unique selling point comes in! To help potential patients decide on your favor.

Have a unique value proposition that sets your brand and services apart. Understanding your target audience and conducting market research will help you know what to do to remain a unique and memorable go-to option.

Be clear on your personality, experience, specialty, and benefits that come along with your services. Then again, show value in your website and content.

Once you're done with crafting special positioning features about your brand, try to compare yourself with other local chiropractors. Can you choose your services? If you find yourself doubting, it's the early time you makeover the selling proposition.

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Perfect Your Chiropractic Website

Your chiropractic website is a critical online arsenal that requires professional attention to impress visitors. It's here where patients know everything about your practice before initiating that call. If your website gets patients' attention, converting them becomes easy.

Sadly, 90% of chiropractors' websites don't convert, and yours shouldn't be one of them. If your website is so 90's, you need to perfect it.

Here's what you do:

  • Update your website to a professional design that showcases your personality.
  • Have quality pictures and videos of your office and staff.
  • Secure your site for trustworthy engagements.
  • Have a mobile-friendly site. 52.2% of web traffic comes from mobile devices.
  • Ensure navigation is easy on the site.
  • Strategically include a call to action.

Many people are likely to browse 3-5 chiropractic websites to weigh options. If your site doesn't oblige to the above features, you lose a chance to your competitor. It's that serious!

Embrace CRO for Chiropractors

Now that you have a perfect website, it's time to emphasize maximizing the user experience and inspiring patients to take the next step — booking an appointment, buying chiropractic products, etc.

Conversion Rate Optimization goes beyond optimizing the website design and having catchy visuals. Instead, it is everything you do to improve the site performance and optimize conversions — from appearance to messaging.

When done appropriately, you get to boost your prospective patients' base, keep them closer to your practice, boost your site traffic, and convert visitors to real patients (my favorite). That means you stay ahead of the competition.

But that doesn't just happen. Have a game plan. For instance:

  • Find what works in your favor based on the type of patients you intend to attract.
  • Perform A/B Testing to know which landing pages work better.
  • Analyze to identify the most visited pages and leave the various calls to action.

Don't stop there! Test often and keep what you find compelling. Note that CRO tools can ease your work and boost your ROI by 223%.

Consider SEO for Chiropractors

Let's assume you have a perfect website with an excellent user experience. Unfortunately, your patients can hardly find you. What is it that you could be missing?

It's no secret; you need SEO strategies for chiropractors. SEO positions you at the top of search pages, allowing you to rank high and generate new leads.

Note that SEO and CRO work in tandem and not against each other. CRO optimizes for conversion while SEO will optimize for search.

77% of patients will conduct an online search about their symptoms, treatment options, and practitioners to settle with before confirming an appointment. If well positioned, patients find you in organic search results with ease.

SEO for chiropractors is such a lengthy discussion that involves many ideas. But here's what we have to say for now.

Prioritize On-Page and Off-Page SEO

In your On-Page SEO endeavors, ensure every website page copy has keywords. And before you optimize the keywords, research to know what people search online. Also, focus on header tags, Meta descriptions, and Meta titles and ensure they're well fixed.

That way, Google knows your content intentions. Go for long-form content and link related internal pages. Off-Page SEO involves activities outside your website, like link building.

Have a Sitemap to Boost SEO

Your website's sitemap is a roadmap with all your website pages. When done well, sitemaps makes it easy for your website to communicate to search engines. Search engines can find and index your most frequented pages. That enhances your rankings, and patients can find you once they initiate a search.

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Track Your SEO Efforts

Take some time to know how your SEO is fairing. That's the best way to know when to make progress and adjustments. But to understand this better, you'll need to concentrate on analyzing your rankings, website traffic, and conversions.

Tools like Google Analytics and Google Search Console will help.

Be Found With Google My Business

Google My Business is one way to create awareness and draw in new patients in your local area. Once patients search for chiropractors in the local area, you're easily found on search engine results pages or Google maps because you've geo-targeted your marketing approach.

But how do you improve your organic listing with Google My Business?

The answer is straightforward. Optimize your Google business listing.

Here's what to do:

  • Complete and verify all the information. Ensure the contact details, location, and other relevant specifications are accurate, consistent, and up to date.
  • Create exceptional Google My Business posts to give patients looking for a chiropractor more reasons to opt for your services. Talk about chiropractic events or special announcements and go visual with a clear call to action.
  • Manage your Google reviews to better your rankings and boost patients' trust.

According to Google, ranking higher in Google Maps, aka Google My Business, is all about relevance, proximity to the prospects, and business prominence. That applies even in Chiropractic practice.

Get Into Video Marketing for Chiropractors

Chiropractor videos are an excellent marketing technique. Potential patients get to see and build a relationship with you before they even meet you.  Short chiropractic videos with valuable educational and informational content help you to reach new and existing patients.

Maximize your chiropractic video marketing efforts with the chiropractic marketing advice below:

  • Invest in quality videos.
  • Post your videos widely. From your website, Vimeo to YouTube and other social media platforms.
  • Focus on diverse content. Introduce your practice, showcase testimonials, answer the FAQs, and so on.
  • Add captions. One study shows that captions boost the viewership by 40 percent.

Potential patients see beyond the video content. They want to peep into the background and see how your office space looks. That said, invest in high-quality interior decoration and tech-oriented chiropractic equipment.

Start Blogging for Chiropractors

You are missing a lot if you're not blogging. Post engaging, relevant, and educational blogs that keep your website visitors yearning for more. With that, you boost your search rankings, attract more prospective patients, and the chiropractic community sees you as a leader worth their trust.

Chiropractic blogging might seem daunting. After all, you're not a writer but a chiropractor. But don't give up yet.

Jot down your thoughts and learn how to perfect your blog content. In the era where most chiropractors are blogging, follow the top chiropractic blogs, and learn from them.

  • For excellent chiropractic blogging, consider the following:
  • Have a strategy that allows you to post regularly.
  • Be open-minded but maintain relevance on your specialty.
  • Diversify your well-thought topics. You can write on FAQs, guides, facts, myths, etc.

Try Guest Posting

8 in every 10 Americans have embraced the internet to seek health solutions. Guest posting gives you a chance to write content that patients can find on the vast online content pool. With that, you stand out as the right fit expert and build genuine relationships.

Before you get into guest posting for chiropractors and acquire those high-end backlinks that can convert while enhancing your SEO rankings, ensure you observe guest blogging best practices.

Let's talk about that here:

  • Pitch websites that complement your specialty niche in chiropractic.
  • Guest post where you'll find prospective patients as your primary audience.
  • Write quality content and monitor your posts' progress.
  • Indicate clearly on your bio, who you are, and where people can find you.

It's not yet time to stop your guest blogging campaign. Keep on keeping on! Expand your network.

Personalize Your Chiropractic Email Campaigns

59% of marketers allude that email marketing is a significant source of their ROI. While chiropractic marketers are not left behind in leveraging emails, many are yet to enjoy good returns. Why?

The answer is simple — most of them don't personalize their email content. Subscribers no longer value generic messaging that doesn't directly address them and is hard to connect. Customize your chiropractic email content, including email newsletters.

Are your chiropractic emails working? Here are the best email practices that enable you to personalize your email.

  • Use official emails to avoid being seen as spam.
  • Have a compelling subject line.
  • Craft useful, exciting, and easy to follow emails.
  • Optimize emails for easy access on all devices.

Get Your Chiropractic Business in Directories

Many potential patients browse online directories whenever they need chiropractor's services. The only way to be found by such patients is by enrolling in the various directories.

So, what next?

Search for online directories and citations for chiropractors, and enroll for top directories that appear on the search results. Be specific on your geographic area to find local chiropractic directories.

filofax directory in dark blue background

Consider the following chiropractic directories:

Prioritize Social Media for Chiropractors

Social media marketing is now MORE significant than ever for chiropractors. Why?

7 out of 10 Americans are now using social media. That's a clear indication that you can find more potential patients when you position your brand and leverage the best practices in your preferred social media platforms.

Social media links you to potential patients, engages and retains existing patients, boosts your chiropractic practice awareness, and assures qualified leads. That will happen when you have the right content.

There's no magic in getting started. You need to build your presence on the following platforms:

  • Facebook
  • Twitter
  • Instagram
  • LinkedIn
  • Snapchat
  • Pinterest

Facebook marketing for chiropractors will help you target, retarget, and share information with your audience to accomplish your goals — whether it's increasing leads or getting your brand known.

Twitter is a perfect platform to share those chiropractic health tips and links to your website to boost traffic. Use Instagram to post stories and photos relevant to your practice. LinkedIn allows you to link up with other practitioners and prospective clients in your circle.

Heads up!

Use social media to showcase your products and services through social media ads. Join community groups and be an active and consistent member. Don't ignore social media because you lack the time to post and engage your audience. Get in touch, and let's do social media management for you.

Leverage Pay-per-click (PPC) for Chiropractor (Google Ads)

SEO is a vital part of your digital marketing strategy, and its long term oriented. However, PPC ads are what you need to add those chiropractic patients to your list now.

Google ads, when set appropriately, brings about multiple benefits to your practice. But first, analyze to know what ads will favor you.  For starters, set up a Google ads account, have a budget, and settle on appropriate local chiropractic keywords.

Why choose Google Ads for chiropractors?

  • You get results moments after starting your campaign.
  • It's easy to target ideal patients.
  • There's a guaranteed positive return on investment.

Have a Chiropractic Referral System

While around 97% of prospects find local businesses online, including your chiropractic office, we can't assume the power of referral systems. Actually, many chiropractors have been surviving mostly through referrals.

Your previous patients and office staff can help you acquire more new patients and repeat appointments.

The main question every chiropractor wants to know is, what are the most effective processes to generate new businesses through referrals?

Try the following:

  • Have referral cards that your team can give to patients that visit. Include some extra benefits and rewards when they refer patients to you.
  • Offer the best service. Happy clients tend to recommend you automatically.
  • Know when to seek referrals — for instance, during phone calls, patient interviews, or when previous clients call to appreciate your services.
  • Perfect your digital marketing platforms and let patients see you as the best choice.
  • Work in collaboration with complimentary local businesses like hospitals and rehab centers for quick referrals.
  • Be part of your community. Sponsor an event or do an outreach program, and people will refer others to you because you've shown capability and passion for work.

Source Those 5-Star Reviews

Potential patients will want to see your Google and social media reviews before trusting your services. If you have good reviews, you win them. Stats indicate that 81% of consumers will only buy from brands they trust.

But don't just sit and wait for reviews (though some happy clients review naturally). Instead, engage patients and do the following:

  • Have various platforms where patients can leave reviews.
  • Ask past patients to write simple reviews. It's simple and works perfectly.
  • Streamline the reviewing process through a link.
  • Monitor all reviews and revert with a simple "Thank you."

Besides reviews, chiropractic testimonials can give awesome results. Ensure your patients leave reviews and recommend you in Facebook, LinkedIn, and local search directories.

5 star review done on mobile phone

Come Up With Patient Appreciation Days

Appreciating patients makes them feel cared for psychologically. Since your focus is on adding new patients to your list, try to appreciate them innovatively. The point is, you can leverage ways that both of you can benefit.

Set appreciation days at least once a month and prepare adequately, without having to spend a lot. Invite a few of their friends and close family members for the big day, and they'll spread the positive word about you.

Here are some of the things you can do for appreciation:

  • Have patient giveaways.
  • Set up patient dinners.
  • Announce discounts and free consultation for referrals.
  • Come up with coupon codes.
  • Try to personalize birthday cards and personal notes.

Ready to Actualize Chiropractor Marketing Advice?

Why not?  You can do it!

Combining the above 15+ tips in your chiropractic marketing strategy will get you more patients, and you'll be happy to grow your practice.

Want help with chiropractic marketing?

Remember, you're a chiropractor turned business owner who needs to give your patients maximum concentration while managing your practice. Outsource your marketing work to a digital marketing agency today, and you'll love it. That's where Ignite Marketing comes in!

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Related: How Much Does A Chiropractic Owner Make?

final shawn
Shawn Manaher
Shawn Manaher is the founder and CEO of Ignite Marketing. He's one part local business growth specialist, one part campaign strategizing ninja, and two parts leader of an awesome nerd pack. He won't eat pancakes unless you call them flat waffles.
Consult With Me

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