Law Firm Marketing Strategy: A Definitive Guide for 2021

law firm marketing strategy guide

With 1.33 million lawyers in the U.S, it's evident that every solo practitioner or a law firm, whether starting or already established, needs to find a way to thrive in the competitive market. That's where smart lawyer marketing strategies come in to boost your marketing efforts.

Law firm marketing makes it possible to attract, engage, and convert visitors into active clients. It's because you've positioned your law firm apart from competitors through a perfect and well-performing website, quality content, and proven marketing campaigns that resonate with your prospects.

Today, we'll let you know about the attorney marketing strategies you can apply in your law firm and everything in between to ensure your brand stays at the top of the game while enjoying a solid online and offline presence.

But before that, let's understand what law firm marketing is, how to get started and what you need to focus on most.

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What Is Law Firm Marketing?

Law firm marketing is an act of promoting your law firm with an intention to convert legal prospects and, at times, win top-performing employees. When marketing, the focus is given more on the value the law firm can offer to potential clients and how it's exceptional.

Marketing is a science and an art, that's why multiple strategies apply, and new approaches keep coming up as marketing trends in the legal space keep changing. Failure to let people know about your law firm will lag your business, and that's not what you want in the long run.

Law firms are willing to spend between 2 – 10% of their revenue on marketing. It all depends on the approach of choice and the intended reason. With 71% of law firms embracing attorney marketing and 65% willing to spend more on digital marketing, you have no reason to doubt law firm marketing feasibility.

Start With a Law Firm Marketing Plan

The oversaturated legal space with the fierce competition requires you to know where to start. It enables you to save time and money. Implementing lawyer marketing strategies through a perfect plan will help you achieve your law firm goals with ease. Clients will keep knocking at your door, and you'll be happy to thrive and stand out in the legal market.

So, where do you start? What should come first? Here are the most critical things you need to get right before you commence your law firm marketing campaigns.

Have a Particular Niche or Specialty

Law firms and attorneys often know what best suits them, based on the previous experience or the current market gap. If you're yet to define your niche, this is the right time. Doing so enables you to know your ideal audience. That means you'll focus more on satisfying your client needs through the right channels and strategies.

When specializing, consider your practice area and demographics. According to the American Bar Association, your law firm poses as an expert and claims a big market share when you specialize. It's because clients know that you're working on a common goal, and you'll do everything possible to serve them to their satisfaction. Again, you'll attract the right prospects.

Craft a Plan and Define Your Goals

When you hear about a marketing plan, the first thing that comes to mind is probably the time taken and expertise needed to craft a perfect blueprint. Well, while you'll need to know a few things to get everything right, the reality is that you need a few pages of a concise, straightforward, and actionable plan. Remember, you're not writing an academic thesis.

In your plan, indicate the purpose or goals of your law firm. Do you intend to showcase an authoritative virtue? Are you interested in boosting your firm's awareness, or do you want to generate leads? Answer that in your plan.

Again, be clear about the strategies or tactics to leverage to achieve these goals, who to make the marketing goals a reality, and, more so, how to measure your campaign progress.

Other Considerations When Marketing Your Law Firm

Finding clients has never been easy in most businesses, and your law firm is not an exception. You don't want to be in a situation where you spend more than what you generate in return. That's why these considerations play an important role as you market your law firm. They include:

  • Locality matters a lot in legal practice. Define where you operate. Laws vary by state, and you must remain conversant about what's happening where your clients reside. At some point, you'll have to represent clients during court sessions, which is easy when you're not restricted by location.
  • Legal clients are not the usual customer's online stores deal with on a routine basis. You'll encounter frustrated, worried, anxious, and confused clients. Have the right tone and approach that accommodates their emotional state.
  • About 1 in every 3 clients commence their search for an attorney online. It's because they want to reach a particular attorney fast and get immediate answers concerning their situation. Ensure you're available to attend even to the most urgent cases. That will place you in a better position than your competitors.

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Law Firm Marketing Strategies in 2020 and Beyond

Everyone seems to have their way when it comes to marketing a law firm. If you want a smooth start or a game-changing transition, here are the proven lawyer marketing strategies to boost your law firm's online and offline presence.

From these strategies, you'll generate new leads and clients, maximize your return on investment and, in return, grow your legal practice immensely.

Let's jump in!

Maximize Your Website Design and Performance

Your law firm website defines your legal practice. Most prospects will first know about your firm and what it's all about through your website, even before calling to inquire on several things. That's why you have to prioritize in its design and performance to win your clients' impression.

If you query your search engine on the "best law firms in Atlanta," you'll realize that there is a lot that law firms need to do. Some are still stuck on the old designs that don't look good at all in the current era. If your website isn't attractive or user friendly, you're missing it big. Nobody will spend considerable time in an ugly and too busy site.

But here is the good news: such instances tell you that you can perfect your site and stand a chance to attract and retain many prospects. You only need to focus more on having a highly functional website that embraces a visitor-friendly layout. Doing so enables you to increase your conversions.

As a significant online marketing asset, your website content matters a lot. Focus on informative and targeted content that your audience finds useful. Website visitors love it when they easily recognize your services and learn a few things from the available resources.

If you intend to transform your website for perfect marketing, here are some of the things you have to note:

  • Ensure that it loads pretty fast. A slight delay alters the prospect's satisfaction. Statistics indicate that 40% of website users abandon sites that exceed three seconds of loading time.
  • Law firm websites convert well when they're mobile friendly. With sites enjoying a 58% traffic from mobile devices, it helps to have a mobile-optimized and responsive law firm website.
  • Place your contact details at a strategic place if you don't want to miss clients' attention. Clickable phone numbers, contact forms, and email signup prompts will work perfectly on websites.
  • Show professionalism in terms of media. Make your site more attractive by adding a few relevant images, videos, and infographics.
  • Have the right pages. You'll rarely find two websites that look alike, but most pages seem to relate. Your main bar needs to include details about your practice areas, attorneys, awards, resources, etc.
  • Besides being attractive, the website must be easy to navigate and with safe encryption (SSL).

Other than performance and design, choose your law firm domain name wisely. Legal practice requires you to be a little cautious about the approach you take in domain name selection.

We recommend that you embrace keyword target domains if you're targeting a certain practice area or a branded domain with your preferred law firm name.

Build a Brand

Your visitors will love the beautiful and friendly nature of your website, but you have to do more to keep them in your space. Every other website is maximizing its potential in design, and the competition grows every day. That's why you need a unique branding to get maximum attention from every prospect.

So, what's a brand?

You probably think that branding is getting high-end business cards and letterheads. When it comes to law firm marketing, branding goes beyond that. Your brand is the identity of your law firm. It creates a perception of your practice. That's why you need to show yourself as an expert.

branding in papercut thought bubbleYour focus during branding should be in having the right message about your firm. The message, which is consistent with your mission statement, lets the prospects know what you have for them once they hire you. That's what distinguishes you from your competitors. For instance, your brand allows your clients to see whether you can solve their issue in an expert approach and at a fair price.

Take your time to decide what you want others to know about you. Remember, you'll market your law firm as a brand. That's the best way to maximize your marketing efforts and attract the right clients.

In branding, you need to answer the following questions:

  • What's your law firm practice? Are you in personal injury, real estate, or any other specialty?
  • What makes your firm exceptional from the other law firms?
  • What experience do you want to earn from clients?
  • Why should prospects give you attention?
  • What's your value proposition? The unique selling statement makes your firm unique and lets potential clients know why they need to hire the firm.

Answering the above questions tells your prospects about the quality of services you provide, your specialization in legal space, and the value clients get from your law firm. More so, you boost your firm's trust, authority, recognition, and reputation. It's because you're clear on the image, style, and voice of the firm.

Your law firm logo is part of your branding. Come up with a professional logo with creative design, attractive layout, and perfect font and color combination. That makes it easy to remember. Again, prospects will quickly tell what kind of law firm you are from the logo.

Ensure that you're clear about your brand to everyone associated with your law firm. It comes out perfect when your marketing and content team understands who you are, where you've come from, and what you're trying to portray out there.

Don't complicate your branding efforts. Know what your audience wants and develop a satisfactory yet straightforward message that you'll showcase in your law firm literature, social media, and networking platforms.

Embrace Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Search engine optimization (SEO) aims to maximize your law firm's visibility by ensuring your entire website or specific pages appear top in search results. If your website isn't available on the first page of Google, chances are, you've not embraced SEO for law firms in the right way. That means the leads you're supposed to get goes to your competitors.

With 4 out of 5 individuals using the internet to find information about local businesses and 93% of internet users commencing the research journey at the search engines, it's evident that you need a proper law firm SEO to position your firm. Not just anywhere in SERPS, but on the first page. Data indicate that 75% of internet users will not browse past the first Google result page.

In case you're new to SEO, remember that it's an ongoing process. It's not something you fix and forget. A lot keeps on changing, and you must adhere to the search engine requirement. Again, there is more you need to know beyond optimizing your pages (although that's the critical part). Here are vital considerations for a successful legal SEO campaign.

Prioritize on Keyword Research

Here, you aim at finding keywords relevant to your site. Tools like Ahrefs and Google Keyword Planner will help you know what legal prospects are searching online. Your keywords of preference need to generate good traffic. But before you settle on particular keywords, assess the level of competition, and note whether they'll work in your case.

Optimize Your Website

You need to optimize your website using keywords in the image alt tags, Meta description, website pages, and page title. Format your page URLs and optimize your visuals with ideal keywords to increase your chances of ranking high on search engines. It's because search engines index your pages, and they'll easily display these keywords when prospects search for specific topics.

SEO Lawyers

Focus on Local SEO for Lawyers

Optimizing your law firm based on the location is one of the best SEO practices for law firms. You probably know about the Google 3 Pack. If you're a pro at this feature, you get to appear at the coveted three-pack list, increasing the chances of winning prospects. If you're yet to get started, claim your Google My Business listing now.

One last thing on SEO: Generate law firm backlinks through off-page SEO. How many sites find your content worth it and links to your website? Links directed to your website are backlinks. With quality backlinks from authoritative sites, you get to rank better.

Ensure your firm gets listed in high-end law firm directories for visibility. Importantly, produce quality, results-driven, well researched, and go to content that legal prospects, lawyers, and law firms can look up to any time they want to learn a thing or two.

You might take longer to build your law firm backlinks, but involving a law firm marketing agency perfects your law firm SEO, giving your law firm marketing efforts a boost.

Mastering SEO is critical in the present attorney marketing era, and it doesn't have to be challenging. You only need some basic SEO training. With training, you can have a content strategy that matches your specialty and legal audience. Hire an expert to take you through if not conversant with SEO practices.

Showcase Your Capability, Authority, and Credibility

Every law firm is aggressive in actively marketing their services. While active approaches like SEO guarantee results when a law firm knows the tricks, it helps to have a strong foundation that people can look at and authenticate your services. That means you have to passively market your law firm to show your capability, authority, and credibility.

But how does that happen? Well, you need first to win your prospect's trust. Showcase your track record and let people know you're the real deal. Being open and authentic is evident that you're not hiding anything from them. Here’s what you have to exhibit to pose as a credible expert, standing firm in the legal space.

Awards Won

Awards and achievements don't require so much explanation to showcase credibility. Once prospects browse your site and notice what you've achieved, they get to connect with your brand immediately. It's even better if you visually include logos that accompany these awards.

law firm marketing looking to accelerate5Reviews Received

You can dedicate a page for reviews and testimonials or have them strategically placed on your homepage. Clients tend to contact law firms with excellent reviews. If you've not been asking for reviews from previous clients, you're missing out on good things. Have a contact form where clients can leave reviews on Google, your website, or social media platforms.

Quality Content Published

You'll have to showcase various quality content to build the authority and credibility of your law firm. Detail your website pages such that you communicate everything about your firm, including the ability to deliver in your assignments.

Your landing page must persuade legal prospects fully. When it comes to blog posts and video content (more on this later), let your prospects know you're knowledgeable enough in what you do.

Case Studies Done

Case studies show clients your seriousness in legal practice, and you can dedicate time and resources to educate people about legal occurrences. With that, clients get to see what you've achieved, and more so, believe that you'll demonstrate expertise and dedication in their cases.

Areas of Expertise Covered

Indicating all your practice areas shows your law firm capability. People will know what you can deliver. Couple that with the number of attorneys in the law firm, their role, contact details, and specialty.

FAQ Prowess

Many tend to ignore the FAQ section, but it's quite essential. It's here where you answer the main questions legal prospects keep asking. From your legal expertise or background research, you get to know what many clients want to know, and answering them demonstrates your legal capability.

With the above ways, you make it easy for prospects to know crucial details about your firm, and making the right decision becomes prompt. It's because many potential clients will do a background search to have an assurance that they're dealing with credible attorneys with proven expertise.

Maximize Your Social Media Marketing

Not long ago that many lawyers depended entirely on referrals to win clients. As law firm marketing embraces new trends and practices, we can't forget the power of social media marketing for law firms. Many attorneys were reluctant about social media marketing because of the assumption that only young people overwhelmed these platforms.

We're here to debunk such assumptions. According to the Pew Research Center survey, 69%, 27%, and 22% of U.S. adults use Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter, respectively. That evidences the need to maximize your law firm presence in either platform to win legal prospects' attention.

But where do you start? Here are the tips and best social media practices for law firms:

First, Claim Your Social Media Profiles

If you're not on social media, you're losing close contact with many new and existing clients. Social media is a powerhouse when it comes to engagements and conversions. With LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, and Twitter profiles, you get to reach a great share of the over 4 billion internet users.

group of young people using phones

But again, you don't have to be everywhere. Understand your buyer's persona and know the areas you'll find many prospects and capitalize on them. As you create the accounts of preference, please fill out the correct details and ensure they match across the various platforms.

Have a Social Media Plan

If you're dealing with two or three social media platforms, you need a schedule to ensure you don't assume any site. More so, you want to prepare your content beforehand and when you post, know whether your social media efforts bear any fruits. A simple weekly or monthly plan guides your undertakings and ensures you monitor your goals.

Post Relevant Content Consistently

Your focus should be on providing value to your audience. That makes it possible to create a long-lasting relationship, and prospects will revert anytime they need your help. Be an expert who posts educational and informational content regularly. That's the only way you'll actively engage your social media followers, boost your brand, and raise your client base.

Don't forget to tag your posts. Law oriented hashtags increase the visibility of your content. Ensure the hashtags are relevant and don't overdo it.  Still, on content, observe diversity to accommodate many people. You can post eBooks, podcasts, videos, and so on.

There is one major rule in attorney marketing, especially with social media: Be where most of your customers spend most of their time. Even if you're starting, you can grow your profiles to the levels where you consistently attract and convert clients. It's even better if you're available in real-time to engage your followers.

Leverage Content Marketing

Your brand requires quality, useful, and compelling content. If you’re looking for something that sets you apart from competitors, then quality content should top your list. Prospects want to deal with attorneys who can solve their current issues. That’s possible if you express your expertise and experience through content.

But the success of your law firm content marketing doesn’t come by without doing anything. You must be willing to put some extra effort, think strategically, and set apart adequate resources. Only 69% of B2B businesses have a content strategy. Such enterprises have high chances of reaping from their content.

Lawyers need to set time to develop, publish, and promote content. But that’s challenging if your team has a demanding schedule. In most cases, you’ll need a marketing team to take the attorney content marketing role to ensure everything goes as your strategy reads.

When done appropriately, attorney content marketing gives a great return on investment. According to the Content Marketing Institute, content marketing triples the leads and costs less by 62% compared with outbound marketing alternatives. In the same survey, 74% of businesses reported a boost in leads from content marketing.

It’s not all about publishing your content and praying to get results. Planning is key. The point is, you need strategies, steps, and tactics that assure results. Here’s what you have to do.

  • Have goals. Your vision and mission of your law firm dictate your content marketing goals. Whether its short term or long term goals have what’s possible to achieve; that motivates your team to work with a target.
  • Know your audience. You can’t succeed in content marketing if you don’t understand your audience. Know the audience needs, problems, lifestyle, and concerns, and then craft pieces that address them.
  • Have a content workflow. How will you transform what you have into compelling content that converts? Your content marketing workflow ensures you have the right team and tools to make your ideas a reality.
  • Generate premium content. With 1.6 billion websites publishing millions of blogs daily, you need to analyze your ideas and generate SEO friendly content that will bring results. Something your audience will click to read. Once your team creates content, get the editorial team onboard.
  • Market your content. Promote your content through guest posting or various social media platforms to have a wide reach and extensive impact. Be specific in your content promotion by targeting the right audience.
  • Repurpose awesome content. You don’t have to create new content every day. If you have awesome content that’s dormant on your website, transform it into other content forms like infographics, white papers, or videos to reach multiple prospects.

Marketers will always come up with different approaches to develop content. However, the core principle doesn’t change: you need an excellent content marketing strategy if you want quality results. Don’t forget to analyze the performance of your content to know what works for your law firm.

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Facebook Marketing for Lawyers (Facebook Ads)

We all know that Facebook, by far, takes the most significant share of all the social media networks with 2.41 billion monthly active users. In the competitive legal space, turning to Facebook marketing is a game-changing approach to marketing. However, some lawyers still wonder how it's possible to grow their business on Facebook.

Facebook helps build a strong social proof that prospects engage and trust, you get to demonstrate your expertise in the legal space, and more so, reach a broad audience without spending so much money. Lawyers and law firms can market their business on Facebook organically or through advertising via Facebook Ads.

In organic Facebook marketing, you focus more on creating quality content that allows you to establish a strong bond with your followers while generating leads. Other than text and video content, optimize your page, inquire for reviews, be responsive, and give your followers value.

When it comes to Facebook advertising for lawyers, you need to know what's expected of you when creating and running Facebook Ads.  Here are the approaches you can use to enjoy the benefits of using Facebook Ads as a law firm marketing approach.

  • Optimize your Facebook Ads to retarget prospects based on website activity. Such prospects have shown interest in your law firm.
  • Target prospects with similarities with your clients.  Such clients might share age, profession, location, or other demographic features.
  • Focus on marketing your content that makes you exceptional, not the services you offer. Compelling and conversational content assures engagements.
  • Be up to date with what's happening, and use it in a relevant way to your law firm marketing advantage.

With billions of people interacting on the platform and searching for knowledgeable attorneys, you don't want to miss out on letting people know you are there if they require an attorney. 87.1% of U.S. marketers are into Facebook marketing, which tells you how businesses now value the platform; your law firm is not an exception.

Emphasize on Video Marketing for Law Firms

Attorney video marketing is gaining popularity like never before. A whopping 87% of marketers are now into video marketing. Prospects prefer law firms that incorporate videos in their legal practice. Research indicates that 72% of prospects will prefer to watch a video than reading text when they want more details about a product or service. The figure is projected to rise to 82% in 2021.

Note that it's not just videos, but quality videos with a relevant message that sells. Relevance in your practice area and law keeps your content worth watching keenly. When creating good law firm videos, you'll need a lot of creativity to find the right content and know where to use the videos. Aim to look different from other law firms.

Videos boost your leads, position you as a unique brand, and add new clients to your lists. Since many law firms are yet to consider video marketing, giving it a chance now will be a game-changer. You rest assured of increased engagements and a boost to your visibility, which translates to increased ROI.

Research shows that 89% of marketers applause video marketing for giving a good ROI. That alone is enough reason to invest in a video marketing strategy for law firms in 2020 and beyond. Before you incorporate videos in your marketing, here are areas you can utilize your law firm video content.

  • In your sales (explainer videos) to explain your firm's services
  • Giving testimonials from satisfied clients to boost your credibility, client's trust and add an emotional connection
  • Showcasing your legal premise and behind the scene videos to share your firm's background
  • Presenting educational explanations about what legal clients need to do in various occurrences (how-to and FAQ videos)
  • Introducing your attorneys and related staff

By now, you already know that law firm video marketing is the way to go. But here's the thing:

Create videos that give value, be direct to the point and elicit an emotion. Video consumers have only 8 seconds to know whether to keep watching your content or not. Again, don't forget to optimize your videos for different platforms and add captions to ensure that prospects can watch from anywhere.

Podcasts for Law Firms

Podcasts are already part of our daily culture. Everybody wants to listen to their favorite show while relaxing, exercising, or carrying out routine tasks. Statistics indicate that 75% of the U.S. adult population listen to podcasts, with the number projected to increase exponentially in the coming years.

Podcasts for law firms is an excellent marketing strategy that allows a law firm to reach a new audience, retain the existing ones, educate their subscribers, and let them know about various things in the legal space. Your shows or episodes get maximum attention with a podcast, which is quite significant in this ultra-competitive legal age. Other benefits include:

  • Makes legal content easy to digest and understand
  • Educates in an entertaining style deepening connections
  • Generates viable networking opportunities
  • Reach a vast audience
  • Extend client's engagements
  • Boosts your rankings

lawyer thumbs up holding gavel

Note that the benefits of podcasts in attorney marketing don't come without any effort. You need to know how to produce stellar podcasts. The good thing is that you don't need to invest a lot to get started. With content expertise, podcasting equipment, and production prowess, you're good to go. People value quality.

But again, ensure you focus on a niche. You don't have to do things blindly. Know what topics you'll have in your episodes and your target audience. For instance, if you're in personal injury, you can have podcasts on automobile accident tips. Your main aim is to pose as an expert who listeners can turn to when a need arises.

Once you have your podcasts live for listening, start the promotion process. You can market your podcasts on social media by sharing the links on your social media accounts. Alternatively, have a section on your websites where visitors can access them.

Podcasting for law firms is one way to keep your listeners attached to you, and they'll keep begging for more. Integrating high-quality podcasts will see listeners suggest the episodes to friends, and that's how you'll rightly position your law firm.

Focus More on Email Marketing Campaigns

With multiple strategies to consider in your law firm marketing plan, we can't assume the power of email marketing campaigns. When some people hear about, "email marketing," they tend to think of the constant stream of emails that spam the prospect's inbox.

Well, that shouldn't be the case.

Well-crafted emails that follow the best practices yield multiple benefits. Email marketing will help you get new leads, enhance trust and keep new and repeat prospects on board. 40% of marketers say that email marketing tactics bring about considerate levels of success in their business.

Before you get started and come up with a list of subscribers, you must know how to develop professional, yet actionable campaigns that when implemented, can convert easily. So, how do you create an email marketing campaign for your law firm?

First, create an email list. Begin with the clients emails you have at the moment. In your website, strategically include a sign-up box to capture multiple emails from visitors. You can also collect emails from those engaging your blog or respondents when you post events and related occurrences. With a list, you'll know the right audience and preferred content to put across in the emails.

But that is not all. Before sending your email drip campaigns, email courses, email newspapers, or any targeted email content to your audience, here are the proven tips and best practices for email marketing for law firms to embrace. They include:

Write a Captivating Subject Line

47% of your email recipients will judge your email based on your subject line. If you want immediate opening, don't exceed 60 characters, use your recipient first name if applicable, and personalize your content. Personalizing your subject line boosts the open rate by 26%.

Quality Email Content Sells

Focus on sending useful content. What is it that prospects want to know? Does your content have a positive impact and allow recipients to get back to you for further consultations? It might look obvious but content matters a lot—spice your content with relevant images and emoji.

Optimize Your Content for Mobile View

49% of emails are read on mobile devices. That means people will ignore emails when they realize they're not optimized for mobile view. Nobody will bother to zoom in and out to access your newsletter no matter how relevant it is.

Use Your Words Wisely

According to Spam Laws, 14.5 billion spam emails are sent daily. Everybody is extra cautious not to fall into the spams trap because things can get messy. Your choice of words can tell a lot about your intention. More so, avoid words like eliminating debt in two days, discount now and cards allowed.

Sending Time Matters

Some studies evidence that the best days for marketers to send emails is on Tuesday and Thursday, especially at 10 am. With the idea of the best days and time, you can have the right software like MailChimp to help you send emails at preferred times.

Include a Call to Action

Your clear language and perfect sentence structure will devote the readers to noting a few things you write to comprehension, but that's just part of your marketing. You want the audience to take the next step, and a call to action will easily facilitate the transition.

Customizing, automating and distributing your emails maximizes the efficacy of this cost-effective marketing approach. Ready to stand out and attract new clients in your legal profession? Start your law firm email marketing campaigns today.

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PPC Campaigns for Attorney Marketing (Google Ads)

Pay-per-click (PPC) is a powerful marketing strategy when done right. With digital ads, you get to display your ads on various platforms around the web. You pay for the ad anytime prospects click on it. Payment differs based on the platform and nature of keywords.

PPC campaigns for law firm marketing might look challenging for beginners, due to the competitive nature and potentially expensive law firm keywords. But when you set up everything correctly, your law firm can target the exact audience and at the right time.

Google ads for lawyers and law firms is a preferred way to boost your firm's visibility through displaying your website top on the Google search results. More so, with PPC, you build awareness, control your spending on ads, and know what works for you.

Here are the marketing tips that will help you maximize your Google ads performance for quality results in your law firm marketing efforts.

  • Target your audience: The success of the Google ads campaign depends on the effort you put into researching your target audience. Survey and research data and noting a few things from competitors will help.
  • Have goals: Every law firm wants to add more clients to its list. If you want an effective marketing campaign, set specific and clear goals, smash them, and repeat.
  • Research extensively and know the right keywords to use since every law firm aspires to appear at the SERPs' top. Craft keywords that will make you stand out.
  • Be clear on location targeting: Geo-targeting helps you let prospects find you in the right place. If you have multiple locations, separate your campaigns for accurate results.
  • Let your ads address your prospects' search intent by letting them know you have a solution for their problems. Prospects look for relevancy.
  • Have a dedicated landing page: You need to dedicate your paid traffic to a landing page for easy conversion. For absolute trust, videos on landing pages do wonders.
  • Be clear on your budget: Have a daily or monthly budget. If starting, be reasonable with your budget and make adjustments when convinced of the ads' performance.
  • Prioritize calls: Mobile searches for law firms are on the rise, and a phone call extension will increase your client's base.
  • Track your Google ad's progress: Don't be part of the 57% of marketers who don't measure their marketing efforts. Monitoring ads performance will let you know what works, which helps optimize your ads for maximum results.

Embrace Automation in Law Firm Marketing

Every company that looks forward to attracting prospects that want a simplified approach when seeking and receiving services will embrace automation in various ways. Other than the client's advantage, you want to manage your clients and workflow effectively.

That's where law firm automation comes in: to service clients and attract new prospects with ease. More so, you get to eliminate some common errors, save time, boost customer experience, improve engagements, and save on costs.

So which sectors do you automate in your law firm? Almost every aspect. But that doesn't mean automation replaces your lawyer's effort. Here are some law firm areas to automate:

  • In scheduling, for example, social media postings.
  • In tasks and workflows areas, automation makes it possible to work faster and have better results.
  • Documentation. Automating documentation processes helps save time and money.
  • Communication. A good example is live chat options for your law firm website.
  • Marketing, especially in email marketing and law firm SEO.

TV and Radio Marketing for Law Firms

With the increased focus on digital marketing, many attorneys are reluctant to include TV and radio marketing for law firms in their marketing plan. It's because many think that effectiveness and relevance have declined over time. But is that true?

old timey tv and microphone

TV Marketing for Law Firms

How people used to consume TV years ago has changed, but its effectiveness remains. Statistics estimate that there are approximately 120.6 million TV homes in the U.S. That tells you that you'll enjoy extensive exposure.

However, getting into the public eye is not all that matters. You want to reach a particular audience to enjoy prompt conversions. The good thing is that with today's technology, you can target a specific audience with TV commercials, and that assures ROI.

Despite being a traditional law firm marketing strategy, why do law firms still choose TV marketing? Here are the reasons:

  • It gives extensive awareness of your law firm.
  • Emphasizes on repetition, bringing about memorization.
  • It reaches legal prospects any day and time.
  • Boosts prospects and attorneys relationships.

Radio Marketing for Law Firms

Radio is one of the best ways to expand your reach in every business, including your law firm. People will listen to radio online and offline and at various times, irrespective of what they're doing. At least 235 million Americans have radio access every week.

Before you get started, take your time to come up with creative radio ads. Aim to get listeners' attention in a wise, memorable, and emotional way. Repeating calls to action severally and airing the ads at a prime time works perfectly.

By doing that, your law firm gets known out there, your target audience gets to know how to reach out, you get to boost the demand for your services, and more so, stand out as a go-to law firm among your competitors.

Referral Marketing for Law Firms

Referral marketing is an old and yet instrumental approach many lawyers and law firms have used to acquire new clients. The strategy is still applicable in 2020 and beyond.

With referrals, law firms reduce their marketing expenses, attract prospects that want to work with credible lawyers, and acquire new leads. It's because your law firm has developed a habit of satisfying clients, and everybody wants to have a share of the magical services.

While many established law firms will do nothing and wait for referrals to knock at their door, it helps to have a strategy to help you win additional referrals. Start by knowing your referrals source, have a database, engage them, and follow up closely.

If previous clients refer someone to you, let them know. Email marketing is a good starting point to understand the clients you've engaged in before. Besides asking for referrals directly, focus on being an excellent legal provider with a unique brand and outstanding services. People will come looking for you.

Law Firm Marketing Through Print Media

Before digital marketing transformed the marketing space, print media, like word of mouth, was a priority for most businesses due to its broad reach. But it's not all gone. Law firms can still effectively embrace print advertising and enjoy this adaptable, versatile, and compelling marketing strategy.

Print media gives your brand a positive perception. Many people believe that professionals who market or advertise on print are more focused on what they do. Print media tend to be orderly even when including ads. 82% of consumers trust print media.

People get to remember your law firm easily through print media, boosting your brand awareness. Unlike in blogs where your prospects only spend a few seconds to decide whether to proceed, it's a different case in print.

Readers engaging in print tend to spend more time on the paper, making it possible to focus more on its content. It's even much useful with region oriented print media, which address prospects within the target location.

Print media is vast and includes other areas beyond local newspapers and magazines. Some of them include:

  • Directories
  • Billboards (both stationary and moving)
  • Brochures, flyers, and postcards
  • Trade publications
  • Banners

It's not yet time to abandon print advertising. Magazines and local papers are now available on mobile devices, and law firms can now enjoy an increased reach. For quality results, work with major publications, target your audience, seek endorsements, and get those juicy backlinks.

networking lawyers

Network Marketing for Law Firms

Strategic networking for lawyers is a marketing strategy we can't assume. Whether you aim to establish your firm as an authority, you want additional clients or new opportunities; networking makes such easy. But you have to do something to smash the networking goals that you've set.

Planned marketing and perfecting your sales process are critical in this strategy. You have to fix all the loopholes in the sales process to ensure you get maximum clients.

With networking, you build relationships through relevant conversations that answer your prospect's questions and notify them more about your firm.

Be prepared to spend time and money in your networking process. Again, networking requires you to be confident, outgoing, and convincing in a professional approach.

Guest Speaking in Events and Seminars

Events are one of the best spots for networking. But not just events, but those that bring value to you. TV shows, podcasts, radios, and seminars are perfect for law firms. Use that opportunity to showcase your law firm prowess.

Before you attend the event, have a plan, and write down questions. That makes it possible to connect to people and utilize the moment to benefit all the present parties. Remember, you're meeting new people, connect and exchange contacts.

Measure Your Marketing Success

You'll have to spend time and resources in your law firm marketing campaigns. The best way to optimize your efforts and save those marketing dollars is to know what works and what doesn't.

That's possible by tracking your progress through analytics. Luckily, multiple tools can help you know your page rankings, blog performance, social media efforts, your email campaign's effectiveness, and much more.

The analysis makes it possible to know more about the following key performance indicators (KPIs):

  • Cost per Lead
  • Conversion Rate
  • Return on Investment
  • Customer Lifetime Value
  • Cost per Win (Sale)

In the end, you'll know what brings results, and that's where you focus on more. Since you'll be combining various strategies, you'll know which to take and drop as you concentrate on growing your law firm.

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Embrace an Actionable Law Firm Marketing Strategy Today

There you go! Don't keep waiting to succeed in your legal practice without doing anything. Commence your attorney marketing journey with the actionable strategies we've already explained.

From email marketing campaigns to content marketing, combining any law firm marketing strategies in this blueprint will work for you and significantly raise your client base, while outdoing your competitors.

Need to revamp your strategy or any other assistance in your law firm marketing? Get in touch today, and you'll be happy to know what we can do for you.

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Shawn Manaher
Shawn Manaher is the founder and CEO of Ignite Marketing. He's one part local business growth specialist, one part campaign strategizing ninja, and two parts leader of an awesome nerd pack. He won't eat pancakes unless you call them flat waffles.
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